Case Study: Tier 1 Utilities Contractor
Contract length: 5 weeks
Aim: Investigate and analyses the current social value offer delivered by the company.
e50K provided the client with:
A literature review including the client’s values, strategy, policy and procedures and how these are embedded.
A one-day workshop focused on embedding social value in day-to-day practices, impact measurement and showcasing of results.
A 38-page report and data sets with recommendations from the findings.
Outcome: A comprehensive investigative analysis of the company’s current social value offer including literature review, interactive workshops and reports.
“The workshop was relevant, succinct and engaging and the team were able to innovate ‘on-their-feet’ at an impressive rate with some real ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. My team and I were inordinately impressed with the resulting report, recommendations and supporting data – far exceeding all expectations. ”
— Head of Service Contracts, UK